Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The State of a Great Road Trip!

I'm going to start off by saying, I know I'm a couple days behind already but from this point on we'll try to update the blog everyday throughout the rest of the 14 day road trip around the country. I'll start off with giving a quick summary of where we've been and the events thus far.

Day 1

We left Boise, ID at about 7 am and drove all day. A very long day of driving especially when your going 45 mph up high in Wyoming (we're putting this van and trailer to work!). I must say the highlight of the drive was in Lincoln, Wyoming. In this GREAT town there is a huge Abraham Lincoln head on a post... yup... that was the highlight of the first day.

Eventually we made it Denver, CO (15 hrs later). Exhausted and ready to head to Invesco Field @ Mile High (for those who don't know, it's where the Denver Broncos play) to start some testing bright and early in the morning.

Day 2

We woke up early and headed out to the stadium. We got there and they actually let us in. Not only did they let us in, but they lead us to the field and let test on it all day. It was a pretty cool experience to be working on a field I watch football games on on TV. A special thanks goes to Ross Kurcab. He is the Turf Manager at the Invesco Field @ Mile High and was very helpful and extremely nice. Thanks Ross.

Day 3

We're all done here in Denver, and testing much go on! We're off to Nashville, TN to conduct testing on the Tennessee Titans' practice field. I'll try and write more this evening. Right now we're trying to hit the road. We have an exciting drive through the great state of Kansas!

*Sorry for the short post. I'm just trying to get something done in hurry. I'll try and write more in the future. I'll also attach pictures/videos when possible.

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